Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Update from Kigali!

Just a quick one - from a very odd keyboard, so apologies for typos!

All going well - we got 2600 quid funding from 3 sources on the day we left!!! Talk about last minute, but HUGELY encouraging, not to mention a big relief...

Last day today before heading to the school to film - director of photography Tim and prod manager Mairi arrive tonight from their shoot in Uganda, meanwhile zwe are doing final castings here in Kigali

We have been to the school and it is so bequtiful. It's a difficult balance to be there with fun-loving students and actors, and the survivors and subject matter of the story we are there to film. It is a balance we will need to keep finding!

All is coming together - still got to find a way to recreate an explosion!! but we have all the regional permissions from police etc, ministry - crucial! - and are borrowing guns from the local police?!, have been working with survivors, and the wonderful rwanda cinema centre to finalise script details, run the castings, and make all the crazy arrange,ents - this in addition to nearly losing sven and bernie to the countryside yesterday when they drove to meet ayuub in an unmarked location near the school!

Really appreciate prayers and well wishing - it is certainly felt!

Filming now from tomorrow - weds - to next monday. All to do!

Time in byumba with debs aunt Meg was also wonderful - no time to say more - all love and thanks again for yr support and interest

xxx Us all


Anonymous said...

Glad that you've found the country as beautiful as we remmeber it. Gods glory in creation
Margaret Hyde

Anonymous said...

hey team, your work looks wonderful and i look forward to seeing the finished story. this is jen theatre director, we met while i was teaching the script workshop at the RCC. i would love to hear about your progress.
have you an email for sven? lost it in my old mac
all the best to you!
jen capraru