Saturday, November 10, 2007


Well, it's pretty much done, and it looks like we have the opportunity to have a guest-list only screening of our film at BAFTA, but obviously this is only worth doing if you all can make it! They've been lovely in helping us set this up, but the date is only 10 days away - please check your diaries and let us know whether this is any good asap... (contact Debs at debs49 'at' for details)

To refresh your memory if you don't want to read the archives: 'We Are All Rwandans' is mid-length (30 min) drama about childhood heroism in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide. Based on a true story, and filmed in the actual locations where the events took place, this is a collaboration between UK and Rwandan film-makers to retell an amazing Rwandan story.

We are currently looking at two 'friends & family' screening dates - both to be confirmed asap: November 22nd at BAFTA, and Nov 30th at the RSA just off the Strand.

Details of booking/guest-listing will follow - we really hope you'll be able to join, to watch, and help us celebrate this whole thing actually coming together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well done on this amazing project!