Thursday, November 22, 2007

Get Involved

Along with our first proper screening tonight, we are making the rather wonderful original soundtrack to the film available as a CD, in the hope of raising some support for two organisations in particular.

The first organisation we would love to be able to send support to is Rev Meg Guillebaud's school sponsorship work, which is a part of Friends of Byumba

Meg was born in Burundi and now lives in Northern Rwanda, working with the Diocese of Byumba - an area which was badly hit by the genocide and now has a huge population of war widows and orphans. Meg is extremely involved with the local community, organising training, medical funding and school sponsorship among many other things. It costs around £150 a year to support a child through school, and Meg's ability to facilitate orphans and the children of sick parents getting to school is restricted only by the amount she has to spend. Aloys, one of the main actors in the film, actually realised half way through the shoot that his own brother had been educated because of Meg's help with the fees. We would love to be able to contribute towards more school fees in this critical way.

The second organisation is the KOMEZUBUTWARI assocation, which is headed up by Emmanual Ulimubenshi - survivor of the class 6 attack. Emmanuel has been a crucial part of the process of making the film - he helped us with script research, with organising permission to film in the school, and during the actual shoot, was with the production team for the duration, helping us to reconstruct what happened in the most accurate way possible. (He is pictured below with Fabrice who played Emmanuel in the film).

The KOMEZUBUTWARI organisation is incredibly exciting - it was established by the survivors of the Nyange massacre, and their activities include the following:
- Organising training and debates around issues of reconciliation and peace
- Facilitating post-trauma care for attack victims
- Fundraising for the ongoing healthcare for those injured in the attacks, some of whom have still not received the medical attention they need after 10 years
- Fundraising to support attack victims through higher education after many missed getting the crucial government note which provides support through university

We are beginning to explore ways to support these wonderful guys in their work - if you have any questions or ideas, please don't hesitate to be in touch

Details about these initiatives and the soundtrack will follow shortly on the film's official website (currently work in progress):

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Well, it's pretty much done, and it looks like we have the opportunity to have a guest-list only screening of our film at BAFTA, but obviously this is only worth doing if you all can make it! They've been lovely in helping us set this up, but the date is only 10 days away - please check your diaries and let us know whether this is any good asap... (contact Debs at debs49 'at' for details)

To refresh your memory if you don't want to read the archives: 'We Are All Rwandans' is mid-length (30 min) drama about childhood heroism in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide. Based on a true story, and filmed in the actual locations where the events took place, this is a collaboration between UK and Rwandan film-makers to retell an amazing Rwandan story.

We are currently looking at two 'friends & family' screening dates - both to be confirmed asap: November 22nd at BAFTA, and Nov 30th at the RSA just off the Strand.

Details of booking/guest-listing will follow - we really hope you'll be able to join, to watch, and help us celebrate this whole thing actually coming together!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Nearly there & Funding!

Well, the great news is, we've nearly done it. I hope that in the next couple of weeks we'll be finished and thinking in terms of screenings and DVDs! There are some stills below to give a sneak peak though...

Early responses have been good too, which is really encouraging. We also got news a few days ago that we are being fully funded for the costs so far and those remaining - amazing!

Big thanks to Ayuub and the RCC guys in Rwanda (check out who are still working at their end recording voiceovers and uploading them to the net so we can download - as well as checking translations etc. It's quite cool that you can still work as a team from different sides of the planet.

Anyway - just a quick one really - but here are some stills from the cut... Look forward to being able to show you the whole thing :-)

ALSO - if anyone knows the best format for subtitling a film - please get in touch!!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Update from London!?

The Cast & Crew - from left to right...
Sonia, Eric, Tim, Bernie, Fabrice, Sven, Aloys, Viateur, Gladys, Sara, Solange, Debs
Mairi, Emmanuel, Kennedy, Ayuub, Billy, Celeste

Well - we're back. All apart from Sven at least, who's staying on now in Rwanda to work on another documentary. Bernie and I, Tim and Mairi flew in this morning (after an 8 hour layover in Nairobi - nice), which is what Sara had done the day before!

Tim's crane gets a run=out - wicked!

We said goodbye to the cast and crew in Kigali - hard to believe that 2 weeks have gone so quickly, and quite how much got done in that time!! I'll attempt to follow up this post with some sort of link to pictures of the shoot and everybody - they are such a cracking lot!

Kennedy playing the students' teacher, Mr Murigande

Still a little dazed to tell coherently of the 4 generators that packed up on us during a 5 day shoot, or Tim and Mairi's near miss getting on the plane from Entebbe (not their fault!) or Nairobi Eye Flies (better known to us now as Beelzebugs!), or the amazing support of the school students - including some of the siblings of those who died - who joined the film as cast, extras, techies and onlookers! ...

Or our incredible cast - who also mostly doubled as crew when they weren't acting!! - all found through the Rwanda Cinema Centre, who were a totally invaluable part of putting this together. Or Emmanuel and Emerte, survivors of the attack, who were script supervisors, extra-finders and incredibly supportive of the project.

Filming the rebels in a local townlet

Or for that matter, the amazing UK team - Sven, Tim, Mairi, Sara and Bernie - all self-funded, all unbelievably hard-working, passionate, talented and a real treat to do this with. Or particularly Ayuub, our co-writer and Rwandan producer extraordinaire - simply one of the best blokes you're ever likely to meet - and a gifted film-maker in his own right.

Recreating the attack scene, with guns loaned by the local police force!

More photos to follow - and maybe even some stills from the footage! Meanwhile - thanks loads for thoughts, prayers and support - even when it all went a bit mental, as it did more than once, it was a case of remembering that this really is quite an extraordinary story - and one definitely worth telling!

Our Nyange Students

Loads of love - xxxDebs

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Update from Kigali!

Just a quick one - from a very odd keyboard, so apologies for typos!

All going well - we got 2600 quid funding from 3 sources on the day we left!!! Talk about last minute, but HUGELY encouraging, not to mention a big relief...

Last day today before heading to the school to film - director of photography Tim and prod manager Mairi arrive tonight from their shoot in Uganda, meanwhile zwe are doing final castings here in Kigali

We have been to the school and it is so bequtiful. It's a difficult balance to be there with fun-loving students and actors, and the survivors and subject matter of the story we are there to film. It is a balance we will need to keep finding!

All is coming together - still got to find a way to recreate an explosion!! but we have all the regional permissions from police etc, ministry - crucial! - and are borrowing guns from the local police?!, have been working with survivors, and the wonderful rwanda cinema centre to finalise script details, run the castings, and make all the crazy arrange,ents - this in addition to nearly losing sven and bernie to the countryside yesterday when they drove to meet ayuub in an unmarked location near the school!

Really appreciate prayers and well wishing - it is certainly felt!

Filming now from tomorrow - weds - to next monday. All to do!

Time in byumba with debs aunt Meg was also wonderful - no time to say more - all love and thanks again for yr support and interest

xxx Us all

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Story...

In 1997, three years after the Rwandan genocide, a large refugee camp was disbanded over the border between Rwanda and Zaire (now the Congo), causing a mass repatriation of genocide refugees and rebels back into Rwanda.

A group of rebels bent on destabilizing the new government infiltrated the north, an area called Kibuye, and carried out massacres, mostly against Tutsis.

On the night of 18th March 1997 they raided Nyange Secondary school in the North West of the country. The rebels surrounded the school dining hall and classes when all students were doing their night studies. Students in class 6 were made to lie down and asked to separate themselves into two groups: Hutu and Tutsi.

They refused.

This is the story of those students - whose refusal to separate cost many of them their lives, and who have recently been honoured as national heroes ten years after their deaths.

The film will be a short (around 15 mins) reconstruction of events - based on survivor testimonies and written by Rwandan film-maker Ayuub Kasasa Mago. We will be filming with the support of the Nyange school, and the student survivors association, and the actors will be speaking in the Rwandan national language, Kinywarwandan (to be subtitled for non-Rwandan viewers).

We have a fantastic crew onboard - all volunteering their time and skills:
Tim Neeves - Director of Photography
Sara Kewly - Assistant Director
Bernie Gardner - Composer
Mairi Neeves - Production Manager
Sven Pannell - Producer
Debs Gardner-Paterson - Director

We are currently unfunded - largely due to the speed with which the production has come together (something like 6 weeks from conception to shoot). Any offers of help would be very appreciated, as we will have something like £1500-2000 in costs most likely (over and above crew travel).

For those would just like to know what we're up to, or are who are pray-ers - what follows is a basic overview of what we'll be doing...

The schedule looks something like this:
April 25th Debs, Sara, Sven arrive Kigali >> Meet with Ayuub & focus on local pre-production - we will need to sort out permits to film, start casting the main parts, scouting locations in Kibuye and making finishing touches to the script.

April 26th Spend time in preparation with Ayuub (also with Debs' aunt Meg Guillebaud, who lives in Rwanda - Debs also delivering a website to her for her charity Friends of Byumba)

April 27th Bernie arrives Kigali

April 28th Drama & Music workshops with Meg in Byumba (as we are now no longer shooting the short in Byumba, need wisdom on how to handle these - do we bring actors from Kigali, do we split the team and leave some in Kigali to continue with film prep whilst we honour the commitment in Byumba with Meg... Very happy that Sara Hyde is joining us and can help bring her skills to this!) Bernie will run the music workshops - a trained African drummer himself - encouraging the kids in their incredible heritage!

April 29th Church service in Byumba - Debs to share car crash story, and to thank the many there who were praying for her & Sophie to recover. Certainly a very humbling experience. Afterwards there will be a concert from Byumba drummers and the Widow's Choir - Bernie will be working with, and hopes to record to use in film soundtrack.

April 30th Take Meg to the airport (she's off on holiday!) and head to Kibuye to begin prepping the shoot on location

May 2nd Tim and Mairi arrive from a shoot in Uganda in the evening - we'll pick them up from Kigali, and hope to start filming the next day

May 3rd-7th - Filming in Nyange school, and surrounding areas - filming the short and also some survivor testimonies

May 8th Bernie, Sara, Debs, Tim and Mairi fly home - Sven stays to direct a separate documentary!

Key Concerns at this stage
- None of the necessary permissions would be withheld. We are very keen to film in the school, as the headmaster feels it could be a really positive experience for the students, and the survivors association are also very supportive. We need permission from the ministry of drama and culture to do this and also to be able to bring a trauma counselor with us from Kigali.
- We also could be charged somewhat prohibitively for permission to film - it would be great if this were not the case! We are all volunteering, and working collaboration with Ayuub and the Rwandan Cinema Centre, and crucially any proceeds from the film will go back to Rwanda and not to us - so it would be great if we could avoid being charged £200 per crew member to film!!
- We need to find a good cast!
- The team has had very little chance to meet together in advance of going to film - so we're all trusting and working towards a great working relationship as we collaborate on this in what will be a very time-pressured two weeks.
- We need to be really sensitive to issues that this story relates to. The desire is that we make a film which communicates the immense bravery of these and so many other Rwandans in such and incredibly difficult and damaging time. We are thrilled to be working with Ayuub as writer and co-producer, whose voice, sensitivity and passion for the project are totally essential to our avoiding 'waltzing in' and telling a Western story. This story needs to be Rwandan.
- That said, we also need to be able to explain enough about life post-Genocide during the build up to events in the film that a Western audience will understand what it was that happened. On many levels it is a universal story - but it would be great to get this balance right!
- Finally, general stuff: in the last two weeks, Bernie had his laptop stolen (thankfully now replaced - hopefully insurance pays out), our car (Bernie & Debs) was hit whilst parked during the night, and bank details were cloned and the account drained. It would be great if there were no more of these!!!

I think that's it for now! If you're a pray-er, please pray! If you're a well-wisher, please wish us well! We really want to honour the memories of these kids and what they did, as well as be an encouragement and advocate of the many Rwandans who are living, and have lived and died for peace, forgiveness and each other. We also want to make an excellent little film.

We'll try and post updates as we go... loads of love and THANK YOU!

xx Debs, Bernie, Tim, Mairi, Sven, Sara and Ayuub!